Physical Education

At Moomba Park Primary School, we provide a thorough physical education program that focuses on basic movement skills and the joy of participation.

Students are inspired to understand the value of fair play and teamwork while engaging in activities, showing sportsmanship and respect. Every week, students from Foundation to Grade 6 have a 60-minute physical education session. These sessions help them enhance skills like ball handling, fundamental movements like running and jumping, and participation in minor and major games, fitness activities, and gymnastics.


Since we have a swimming pool at Moomba Park, each grade level gets to have eight swimming sessions throughout the year.

Inter School Sports

Grade 5 and 6 students compete in a winter inter-school sports program in the Glenroy District, playing Australian Rules Football, Soccer, and Netball on Fridays during Term 2.

Each year a Glenroy District Athletics Carnival is held and children from grades 3-6 are chosen to represent the school in track and field events.

A Hoop Time Basketball Tournament is held each year and children from Grades 5 and 6 are chosen to play in two teams to represent the school.